February 7, 2017


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J Jo Fox Obsniuk Bio

As I look back on my life  I can see God’s hand  of mercy and grace and I am continually amazed by His ways.  Born in San Antonio, Texas  and  lived a great deal of my childhood in  a little South Texas town with no more than a gas station/store, post office and a little baptist church. In Kerrville, Texas I  had an encounter with the Living God and asked Jesus to be my Savior in 1974 .

I started singing at the age of 9  in a 5th grade talent show. I didn’t start writing poetry  until high school. I had  prophesies over me concerning the gift of the Psalmist when I was young yet didn’t know what that meant until years later.

I married in 1991 and moved to Manitoba, Canada where I soon learned that alot of our poor choices can lead us to much grief and suffering. Although I had suffered  thru nearly 23 years of an abusive marriage I had moments of incredible joy because  of 3 beautiful  children  God graced me with. My suffering  multiplied  times 3 as my abuser became their abuser until  February  2014 when  I finally reached a breaking point and . As the reality dawned in my heart that I  had elevated my husband to the point of a  god and had allowed my pride to keep both me and my children  in harms way far too long and choose to return to my first love,  Jesus!

My title song “Secret Place” was released August 2015 to radio on compilation and rose to #2 the following August in Christian Voice Magazine. A 2nd off my cd, “Can Anybody Hear Me?”  Was also released  on compilation to  U.S.  gospel radio August 2016. I’m watching it continue to climb as we speak.

In 2016 Holy Spirit graciously  gave me the man of God that He had in mind for me” Chuck” who brought such healing and strength  to my broken heart and weary soul. We  know it’s  a miracle beyond our wildest dreams. We work towards and believe for finances to continue  the work on my next album as well as financial miracles.. God has expanded my ministry  to preaching and evangelism as well as singing.

Glory to GOD!

Charles Obsniuk Bio

I was born in The Pas, MB July /66 of a single mom. My childhood was good and at about the age of 12 I became born again. I wish l could tell you that I lived my life being totally obedient to God but l can’t. Because of my willful disobedience l am twice divorced with dire consequences. God lead me on a path of healing to free me of my pain and suffering as a result of my disobedience.

During my spiritual journey l became involved with the Jehovah’s Wittnesses and later in life l became a elder with the 7th Day Adventist Church. I got married for the 3rd time in June/16 to Janice Jo Fox this time with God’s approval. My fellow elders tried to discourage me from marrying Jo as she likes to be called because she did not fully agree with the 7th Day Adventist doctrine. Because of this disagreement and by the leading of the Holy Spirit I left the Adventists  to attend a Spirit filled church. I believe God wants me to tell my story to help others avoid the mistakes l made.