God’s Blessing

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My husband (Chuck) and I have been going thru more of the late Theodore Epps books and have to say that he is w/o a doubt one of the best writers of all time with exception to God’s Word of course. Some of these books I read 15 or more years ago still astound me and thrill my soul. Like for example most of us know the story of Jacob who wrestled w/God and would not let go of God till God blessed him. Well a few cool facts about Jacob are that God renamed him Israel! Now if you remember that Israel or Jacob was the father of none other than Joseph, that’s right the one who was sold into slavery by (11 BROTHERS). He was the one who brought his family to Egypt to save his family during the famine. NEVER doubt that God has a plan! Now these people ended up staying in Egypt under other Kings who were not so nice.They were slaves until Moses came on the scene under another set of strange circumstances. So my point is this my friends, 430 years later God brings out of (Jacobs family) not just one son, but 12 brothers or if you will The 12 tribes of Israel. They went into Egypt as a family and came out a nation greater in number and wealth than could have been imagined. Thus the 12 Tribes of Israel! I love God’s Ways. Far beyond ours!God bless y’all!