It’s been Awhile

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There are days where I wonder why I even try to come on social media and yet I know there are more important things in life than my own selfish plans. Its way easier to just concentrate on me myself and my family but yet God didn’t put us all on this planet together by accident. My greatest desire first of all is to know YHWH more than anything in this world and secondly to please Him and thirdly to touch other peoples lives with the love and power of Jesus Christ. The more I learn from the Living Word(Bible) the more I fall in love with YHWH(Jesus)! Studying endless hours and spending time in prayer and worship changes not only how I see our marvelous Creator but also how I see myself, the Universe and all He has made and its intricate design. The closer I get to Him the more I see the magnificent plans he has laid out with such perfect detail and loving care for us seemingly small and insignificant beings. I encourage those reading this to find the time in your life to get to know The YHWH who is seen throughout the Old & New Testament(God/Man=Jesus Christ)! The Alpha & Omega, Ancient of Days before its too late because tomorrow may be too late!!!!!

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